General Information for Presenters
The working language of the conference will be English. It is possible to submit a proposal and make your presentation in any other European language. The language in which each proposal will be presented will be indicated in the programme. Proposals should be submitted in the language of the presentation. As far as possible, presentations will be grouped in the sessions according to language.
You can choose between five different types of presentation.
Your proposal must address at least one of the six subthemes.
The Scientific Committee will review all proposals submitted by the deadline given (see Important dates for presenters). Proposers will be informed of acceptance or rejection of their proposal by the given date (see Important dates for presenters) at the latest. The Committee reserves the right to decide – in the case of oral presentations and posters – the final format of the presentation.
After receiving acceptance of a proposal, it is required that at least one of its authors registers for the conference and presents their work. Should the proposal be rejected, the author may request a refund of the registration fee.
Certificates of participation will be given upon request.
The final programme will be published in the “Program” section by the middle of May 2024.