FELA-Crete2024: 23rd European Conference on Literacy & 7th Panhellenic Literacy Conference

Social Events


The Welcome Reception will take place on the 24th of June at the Conference Venue. The “Thalassa Bar and Restaurant” of Minoa Palace Resort sets the ideal scenery for welcoming all participants in Crete and sparkling the first scientific discussions! 


The Conference Dinner will take place on the 25th of June at the  beautiful “Sapel Hall” restaurant on the beach, which is close to the conference venue. A tasteful dinner, Cretan wine, transfer from/to the conference venue to/from the restaurant, and entertainment are included in the final price. The per person fee is 55.00 euros (all included). You can book the conference dinner from February 1st to June 10th 2024 through the account you have at the conference online system.


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