Type of Contributions
Oral presentations/Papers
Each paper session lasts 90 minutes and comprises four consecutive papers, each 20 minutes in length, with 10 minutes after all presentations for questions. Paper presentations must follow the sequence in the programme, even if a presenter does not show up. This is to allow delegates to move from one session to another if they wish.
Abstract: The maximum number of words (including title and author/s names) is 200.
Poster presentations
Each poster session will be exhibited in its designated place and time, and during that session the author(s) will explain their paper to all interested parties. Posters should be in size A0 upright (119 cm height and 84 cm width). Posters can be attached with thumb tacks/drawing pins.
Abstract: The maximum number of words (including title and author/s names) is 200.
Each symposium lasts 90 minutes and is intended to provide a set of papers around a common topic. Symposia participants are expected to appoint their own chairperson from among the presenters.
Abstract: The maximum number of words (including title and authors’ names) is 200.
Round Table
Each round table session lasts 45 minutes. Presenters are expected to present their work and discuss the issue with the audience. For the submission of proposals, the organizer should send a general abstract listing all contributors, including the titles and abstracts of their presentations. Abstract: The maximum number of words (including title and authors’ names) is 200.
Each workshop lasts 45 or 90 minutes. In the event that a workshop is presented by one person, it should be 45 minutes in length. Workshop participants are expected to arrange their own chairperson from among the presenters.
Abstract: The maximum number of words (including title and author/s names) is 200.